The Oatman Plot – Title Sequence

For this project, I set out to create a title sequence for a fictitious western movie about a man who seeks revenge for his brother’s murder.

While developing my mood board, I concentrated on a warm color palette to reflect the desert setting of the film, drawing heavily from images of sunsets. For the typography, I drew inspiration from printed publications to reflect materials present during the time period of the movie.

Mood Board

I wanted to include classic western symbols to set the tone of the film. I also began playing with the idea of the shattered emotions of the main character being pieced back together on his hunt for revenge.

Preliminary Sketches

Following the ideas laid out on my mood board, I sought to depict a dirty and well-worn feel in my style frame as well as bring attention to the pieces of the image falling into place.

Style Frame

While creating the storyboard, I wanted to capture the variety of scenes that I would depict in the final animation. I included simple motions such as the sun shimmering all the way to more complicated ones such as a bottle breaking in response to a bullet.



Connoisseur Designs – Rebranding


3D Artwork